Izzy Izzy,
After we got home from Vancouver, we have started to babyproof the apartment because you have learned to open and close doors and cupboards. You actually like to shut the door behind you after you crawl into your room. WOW, I can just imagine what your teenage years are going to be like...so Mommy has made a mental note of "NO locks on your bedroom doors!"
Since our last appointment with Dr. Scott, he mentioned that we should start you on trivisol. It's a multivitamin that is designed to help meet the nutritional needs of a growing baby like you! You seem to not mind the taste of it and don't always spit it out the way you do to your anti-biotics when Mommy had to give that to you when you were sick with a UTI.
You are cruising more and more. Everyday you practice and now can walk the length of the queen bed and sofa. But it seems you much prefer your turbo-charged crawling as it gets you to where you want to go so much faster!
Don't point, it's rude! But you get away with murder. You point to everything these days. When I ask, "Where's Zoë?", you look towards and point to Zoë. Smart cookie! But when we go to church, you stand and look at everyone behind you and point at them...sometimes, you not only point but also start laughing at the person you are pointing to! It's hilarious!
Ahhhh naps...what is that again? You seem to have forgotten about the long naps you used to take in Vancouver. Night sleep is back on track again. Mommy is slowly weaning you off our 10pm dreamfeed now. I am going to miss that contented puffed-up cheek look you always give me after we finish our session! Sigh...another reminder that you are growing up!
Daddy has also upgraded you to your big girl carseat this week! I think you are much comfier in it...you can also see out the window! Let's hope you enjoy car rides much more in your new carseat.
Love, Mom
Feb 26, 09: Look at how tiny you were...your first time in the carseat on our way home from the hospital
Dec 16, 09: In your carseat on our way to Vancouver!
Jan 17, 10: Your new top-of-the-line big girl carseat!