Thursday, June 24, 2010

Happy 16 month birthday!! NOOOO!

Busy Izzy,

Your new word this week is "No!" actually sounds more like "Naw". Why do you have a southern twang? Seems like everything Mommy asks you to eat or do is "Naw". I thought I wouldn't have to deal with this until later but I guess you are way ahead of the game!

Nowadays, when we tell you "night night" you pick up your Lulu and your soother and walk yourself to your bedroom. It's the cutest thing. I am glad that sleep is not something we have to fight have learned to enjoy it!

You have caught a case of "stranger danger". It takes you a good 10 mins to warm up to a new person or a person you don't see around much...especially if the person is in your "territory". The other day when Godpa came to drop off the car to us, you were screaming your lungs out because you usually see Daddy in the driver's seat and then when the building manager came into our apartment to replace a battery in the thermostat, you got all nervous and ran to Daddy. Even though you've seen these people around, when they come into your "territory", you get anxious. It seems like it happens with more male than female.

Your gross motor skills have also improved tremendously. You LOVE to climb and your hands and feet are very well coordinated! We really live at the park these days because we are there after almost every nap. Mommy's so glad we live close to such a great park where you can expand all your energy. Mommy really has no time to do any other things than to find stuff to entertain you.

Because you are so active and always on the go, Mommy has considered putting you into school/daycare during the day so I can get my work done. But since talking to our Mommy friends, Mommy's going to wait until we get back from Vancouver to make any decisions. It is so true that you have the next 18 years of your life to go to school and I shouldn't be in a rush to put you in school. I should just enjoy the time I have with you right now. You will always be this age once and you are WAY too much fun! I am actually enjoying this stay-at-home Mommy business! Who knew?! We are so lucky that Daddy's hard work lets us do just that. We love you and thank you, Daddy! xoxo

Love, Mom

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Dear Isabelle,

It's Daddy's 2nd Father's Day and this time you are actually able to celebrate with him! Last year you were just an itty-bitty thing. So what did you get for Daddy this year? Well, actually, "what did we get YOU?" is the question. We got you a mini apron that reads "Daddy's Little Sous Chef" and a t-shirt that says "When I grow up, I want to be a chef like my dad". You love to watch Daddy and get involved when he cooks so the apron will come in handy in the future and the shirt, it's just soooo cute, Mommy couldn't pass it up.

Happy 2nd Father's Day, Daddy!

Love, Mom

Monday, June 14, 2010

Yap Yap Yap

Dear Izzy,

We try and practice your speaking everyday. Here we record your practice session for Daddy and all to see. You do well when you are in front of the camera...must be the Hollywood in you.

Love, Mom

Friday, June 11, 2010

Top Left Molar


You have graduated to growing molars now! Today, you took Mommy's finger and put it in the back of your mouth and took a BITE. Mommy was expecting to feel nothing because it is supposed to be all gum back there but OUCH, Mommy felt something sharp! Your top left molar is starting to come in now...let's hope the rest of them won't bother you too much.

Love, Mom

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

15.5 months

My dearest Izzy-belle,

It seems like Mommy has no time for anything these days! We are constantly going out after your nap(s) so as to keep you busy and entertain you. We are now a regular at the playgoups and also the park! You have also made friends with the other "regulars" there. It's funny to see you and the same kids get into trouble together.

You have started to engage other kids to play with you instead of only engaging in parallel play which is really cute. Most of the time, they are older kids and sometimes you like to go to babies and pat them. You "call" the kids for their attention and start waving at them. Sometimes you go right up to them and squeal at the top of your lungs and are quite "in-your-face". It's hilarious.

You've started calling me "Mama" and Daddy "Dada"! used to just babble these words without meaning. New words you've picked up are "nana" for banana, "bah" for bird, "Pain" for plane, "wuwu" for your Lulu. And oh, you would purposely throw stuff around and go "uh oh", thinking that would fool Mommy that it was an accident!

We are still working on your nap schedule...some days its 1 nap and other days 2. It really depends on what time you are waking up in the morning. Mommy can't wait till you totally transition over to 1 nap so our days are more predictable. On the bright side, you are waking up a little later than your usual 6am!

Love, Mom

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Beach Day @ Manhattan Beach

Dear Izzy,

There is no doubt in my mind you will be a surfer one day. You really love the ocean...ever since you were born, you fall asleep with the sound of waves crashing on the shore on your sound machine. And today, your first visit to the beach, you had no fear of the water...even though the water was freezing cold and the waves were big at times, you just wanted to be in the ocean. You were yelling and screaming when we took you out and back to Godpa's house!

You are a true California girl at heart!

Love, Mom

Thursday, June 3, 2010

15 month Baby Wellness Exam

Dear Izzy,

It's that time again...your wellness exam and your final vaccinations until you reach 2 years old. URGH! This time, Mommy is going alone with you and we have to hold you down while you get your shots. That is one of the hardest thing a mother has to do, see her little baby in pain. Today you got 3 shots: DTaP, HIB and Varicella (chicken pox). You screamed so loudly that everyone, even the receptionist was scared of you. What can I say, Isabelle, you are a little bit of a Hollywood drama queen!

Today you weighed in at 18lbs 4oz. (1%), you measured 30.5in in height (50%) and 45.75cm in head circumference (45%). Dr. Scott said you are growing well. He also tested your cognitive development by asking you to follow a series of simple instructions. He spinned a top on the ground and asked you to go and pick it up, change hands and then give it to him. You understood every word and he was very impressed! Even Mommy was impressed because half the time when Mommy asks you to do something, you don't! Dr. Scott said that is called "selective attention and hearing"...hahaha. He also said that you are moving around very well as he saw you running around the waiting room before you were checked in and then climbing up Mommy's leg. He also told Mommy to look forward to more talking from you. We should always narrate our day to you to expand your vocabulary. WOW!

The next time you go back and see Dr. Scott is at the end of August for your 18 month check up.

Love, Mom

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day in San Diego

Dear Izzy,

Daddy took us on a mini vacation in San Diego for Memorial Day. It was such a beautiful weekend...the weather was perfect and we stayed at a gorgeous hotel!

You did well on our first road trip. The drive to San Diego was about 2.5 hours but on our way there, we stopped for lunch and then proceeded to the resort.

You had lots of fun at the pool and sand pit. Although it was supposed to be a relaxing mini vacation, taking care of a toddler on vacation is not a vacation at all! When Daddy came back to LA, he had to go for a massage because you were too much for him to handle...hahaha. Mommy said that he should try doing it everyday with no help, then he'll know how I feel!

All it all, it was a great trip. Summer in California is beautiful and there are many other resort towns that we will have to visit!

Love, Mom