So after the appointment...the day went ahead as normal. Alex and I went to the farmer's market, went for lunch and did some grocery shopping at 99 Ranch market.
That night at 3:30 am, I woke up to some stomach pains...and I had to use the bathroom so I attributed the pains to that. After I went to the bathroom, the pains still did not go away. At 4 am, I couldn't talk through the pains anymore and I told Alex that we needed to head to the hospital. He was thinking it was false labor and was dilly-dallying when I asked him to time my contractions. We got to the hospital at 4:35 am. While they were wheeling me into the active labor room, my water broke. Then once in the room, they tried to check how much I was dialated and when they did, I was already fully dialated and unconsciously pushing. Alex said he saw little feet coming out. I finally yelled out that Isabelle was breech (I was in sooo much pain before to say anything) and they immediately went into full emergency mode. I was quickly wheeled into the ER.
They didn't have time to put an epidural in me so I was totally knocked out on general anesthetic. They locked Alex out of the ER because it was not a regular c-section. It was the scariest thing I've ever experienced! But I was lucky that Cedars had the Chief of Inpatient Obstetrics, Dr. Matthew Kim, on staff that night. He immediately determined it was a footling breech situation and delivered Belle. At 4:53 am, Alex heard a loud cry from the OR and was relieved. They then finally let him in and took him to the baby warmer/clean-up area and he got to see the little Isabelle and cut her cord.
Isabelle was born on February 24, 2009 at 4:53 am. She weighs 5lbs 14ozs and is 18 1/2 inches long.
I was sooo scared for my little Isabelle...but am so glad everything went well. My labor in total lasted for about 2.5 hours! It was an intense 2.5 hours! I swear, if the she wasn't breech, I would have pushed her out in 10 mins without any drugs because they would have had no time to give me any!
I found out that when a baby is breeched, contractions are more intense because the mother is supposed to curb her pushing and let the contractions work to birth the baby...that's the only safe way to birth a breech baby...but seriously, when I had the urge to push, nothing could stop me except just pushing!
Anyway, she is now quietly sleeping in my arms while I type up her birth story...she's so worth everything I went through! This is why I call her my drama queen!
Happy Birthday, Isabelle!!

Nikki emailed the office w/the announcement a few hours ago. We are all very, very happy. I emailed Amy M w/the news.
Happy Birthday Isabelle!! Welcome to the world! Can't wait to meet you in person!
Congrats Liz & Alex, and welcome Isabelle!
It's interesting to read your birth story, and even though our babies are only 4 days apart, our experiences were so drastically different!
All in all, we both have a healthy babies and that's all it matters :)
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