Dear Isabelle,
You are such a sweetie today! Mommy put you in our bed this morning after our 6 a.m. feed because we were too lazy to put you back in your crib. And at 8:30 a.m., Mommy woke up to your big brown eyes and the widest smile! Thank you for letting Mommy sleep peacefully for another 2 hours. I wonder if you had been awake the whole time after your feed!

We spent our Mother's Day morning at church and as usual, not one peep from you. I think you really enjoy church with all the singing and church organ playing. It might remind you about the times you were in Mommy's belly when we go to church every weekend too!
It's a quiet day for us today, Mommy is packing for our trip back to Vancouver and Daddy is having a busy day at work. You might not be able to see Daddy on all the big holidays because Daddy is a very important man at work and needs to take care of things on those big days. You will understand more when you are older.
Guess what Mommy got for Mother's Day?? The infamous stolen Manolos from one of Mommy's favorite show, Sex and the City! We love it and one day, it will be passed on down to you in addition to all of Mommy's other classic shoes!

So far, we are enjoying our day! You are quietly napping in the sling right now and Mommy's going to finish up packing!
Love, Mom