Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Zoë's Hair

Dear Isabelle,

Since you are in the stage of grabbing things like Mommy's and Zoë's hair, we have decided to give Zoë a haircut! Because sometimes we find Zoë sitting beside you on the couch motionless, we go in to have a closer look, and you have a chunk of her hair in your hand! You are lucky that Zoë is so mild-tempered with you! She is such a good fur-sister!

With her new haircut, Zoë looks like she's 5 years younger! She's like a little baby puppy now.

Love, Mom

Izzy & Zoë on the couch together again!



1 comment:

Cheryl & Whimsy said...

So glad to see Zoe & the Princess interacting. Zoe is such a good dog & looks beautiful w/the puppy cut. I also saw the Youtube clip of the Princess getting ready for flight to see the grandparents. Thanks for letting us see her grow.
Whims gives a big paws up to Z.