Monday, October 4, 2010

First Day of Preschool!

Dear Izzy,

It's your first day of school today! Mommy's excited. I think you will like school just because you are such an outgoing little girl and you love hanging out with people your own size.

You did well on your first think it's just like a playdate with so many little friends and a great playground to play in. Daddy packed you a delicious lunch and you sat nicely with all your friends during lunch time.

This is going to be great! You'll go to school 2 half days a week and that gives Mommy about 6 extra hours of free time a week to work on her 3 jobs in addition of taking care of you full time! Oh wow, that's a mouthfull...I think I need 26 hour days!

Love, Mom

First day of school!

Lunch packed by Daddy

Lunch time!

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