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37 week bump. 1 days before Ethan was born |
At around 8:30 pm, I felt 2 "pops" in my pelvic area. At first I thought nothing of it. But I remembered the last time my water broke, I heard the same "pop" except that the pop was followed by a big GUSH of water. So I quickly went into the bathroom to check. There was a trickle of water...it was almost like taking a pee. But there was a tinge of pink to the water. I remembered reading somewhere that if the baby's head is down, it almost acts like a plug so there won't be a big gush. Uh oh, I think my water just broke!
I quickly ran into the living room and told Alex to get everything ready because I think my water just broke. He looked at me and said, "Are you sure?" Just then, I experienced a strong contraction. I hunched over the back of my sofa and rode the wave. I told him to call Cheryl, my doula, and Dr. Morrison, my OB. Alex got a hold of Dr. Morrison and she told him to go straight to the hospital because of my history of fast labors. Alex started getting himself ready to drive us to the hospital. Ah Ma was still in the room, putting Izzy to sleep. Thank God she decided to stay a few more days! She was supposed to leave yesterday but seeing that I was so pregnant and uncomfortable, she decided to stay until my mother-in-law came.
The drive to the hospital was only 5 mins away but it was one of the most painful 5 mins of my life. I needed to sit and rotate my pelvis on my birthing ball for comfort during contractions and hated being strapped down in the car seat. Alex put on his hazard lights and drove as fast as he could to the hospital. I remembered that I had been practicing some hypnobirthing techniques during this pregnancy and used them. Everytime I had a contraction, I visualized myself and my baby riding the wave and I would whisper in my baby's ear, "We are getting closer and closer to meeting each other on the outside world". This worked very well for me and it helped me relax through each contraction.
We got to the emergency wing of the hospital at around 9:15 pm, someone quickly wheeled up a wheel chair and admitted me. I was brought up to the L&D department and brought into the early labor room. At this time, Alex was parking the car. I was still using my hypnobirthing techniques to ride my labor waves and the nurse that was taking down my information was taking her sweet time because she saw that I was so calm and collected. She didn't think that I was too dilated.
Alex finally joined me in the room and finally got a hold of Cheryl. Allelujah! He passed the phone to me and I said to her, "Cheryl, please come soon...I am about to push!" Just when the nurse heard my conversation with Cheryl, she quickly said to me, "Oh let's check you to see how far you are dilated!" She checked me and I was already 10cm and complete. "We have to take you to the active labor room. Do you want an epidural?" To which I responded with a "YES!" as I didn't know if Dr. Morrison or Cheryl would make it to my delivery. "Actually, I don't know if we have time to give you one." the nurse replied.
I think it was a little before 10 pm when I got wheeled into the active labor room. There was still no sign of Dr. Morrison and Cheryl. I asked if the midwife was available and they paged her to the room. She came in and I was a little relieved by her presence. She helped me through some of my contractions by squeezing my hips together and rubbing my back. I kept on changing positions on the bed to get comfortable.
Finally, at around 10:20 pm, Dr. Morrison made it and then a few minutes later, Cheryl walked in. I felt completely relieved of all the pressure I was feeling. I now knew I could do this drug-free. Dr. Morrison checked me and said, if you feel like pushing, you can start pushing! Even though I now felt safe as my support people are now all present, I also felt fear. This fear has been plaguing me for the last weeks of my pregnancy after my decision to have a VBAC. I fear the possibility of tearing.
Cheryl saw the change in my facial expression and since we have discussed this issue before, she immediately knew what I was thinking. She took my hand into her hands, looked at me and said, "The baby is coming out one way or another. Let go of that fear and when you are ready, start pushing. I'm here to guide you."
With that said, she squeezed my hand, Alex started counting, and I started pushing. I pushed for 20 mins and Dr. Morrison said excitedly,"I can see his head! Would you like to touch it or see it? He has a lot of hair like Dad!" "NOOOOO!!!" I screamed back. But now as I think about it, I should have reached down and touched his hair." It would have been such a moment.
Fear started to creep back again as Ethan was getting closer to come into the world. Dr. Morrison sensed it and said "...another 10 mins and you'll be a new mommy!" in encouragement. And once she said that, I got my second wind and courage and gave it another 3 more pushes and his head emerged, then his body slid out and his legs. It was the most peculiar feeling but was also pure relief!
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A sigh of relief |
Dr. Morrison put Ethan on my chest. I got to hold my son first. He was warm and squishy. I got to smell him. No one took him away, no one can take this experience away. I held him for at least half an hour before Dad took him to the nurse to get cleaned up. We decided against the eye cream and Ethan only got the Vit K shot.
After getting cleaned up, he was returned to me and he latched on like a champ and started nursing. I felt this rush of empowerment come over me. I did it. I did it on my own. I birthed my baby. My body did not fail me! I was over the moon. I am a mom again.
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