Friday, July 24, 2009

First Foods for Optimal Growth Workshop

Dear Isabelle,

We went to the First Foods for Optimal Growth workshop at the Pump Station today and got TONS of valuable information! This has also reassured and solidified the baby-led approach Mommy has been researching about.

The developmental milestones we are supposed to watch for that are indicators of your readiness to begin solids are:
  • your ability to stabilize your head and trunk and sit without support–this is a prerequisite to using arm and hand movements during the self-feeding process.
  • your ability to remove food from the feeding spoon with your lips, without spilling too much–this will reflect higher intakes of foods, vitamins and minerals
  • your interest and reaching out for food–this signals a readiness to grasp food and find your mouth
So once you are ready, what are we going to feed you first? Recent research has supported starting with green and yellow vegetables as they are easier for digestion and may reduce the risk of food sensitivities and allergies. So as recommended by the metabolic nutritionist, we'll start with peas, sweet potatoes, yams, squash, and yukon gold potatoes. She gave us a sheet with a food variety timetable to follow. We'll pass that on to Daddy because he will be making most of your food. We hope you'll like them!

Love, Mom

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