Monday, July 20, 2009

Hello 奶奶 and 爷爷 and Happy Birthday 爷爷!

Dear Isabelle,

Your 奶奶 and 爷爷 are here to visit you. This is the 2nd time you are seeing your 奶奶 and first time meeting your 爷爷. How fitting, we got to celebrate your 爷爷's birthday with him too!

You instantly took to your 爷爷. I think it's because he looks like Daddy and has that familiar face! 爷爷 made lots of funny faces and made you laugh. 奶奶 missed you since the last time she saw you.

We went for dim sum in the morning and for Korean BBQ for dinner in celebration of 爷爷's birthday. We hope he had a great time!

Love, Mom

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