Mommy has started feeding you 3 solids meals a day now. Dr. Scott wants you to be fully on 3 solid meals a day once 8 months rolls around and it's just around the corner! You are getting better and better at eating nowadays. Our menu for the day usually looks like this:
Breakfast - half an egg yolk and oat cereal mixed with a fruit puree
Lunch - rice or oat cereal mixed with a fruit or vegetable puree
Dinner - rice cereal mixed with a vegetable puree and fruit puree as dessert
Mommy wants to start adding tofu to your dinner so you get some good protein in you!
Your attempts at crawling are yielding results! You can actually move around now. You maneuver your upper body like an expert and your crawl is a commando crawl - you use your knees and toes to push your body forward. When you have motivation (i.e. something you see that you want), you crawl even better! Oh, the days of my lump of jello are officially gone!
Love, Mom
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