Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Champion Traveler

Dear Isabelle,

Thank you so much for being such a good girl on the flight today! You were a champion traveler, Mommy was surprised but oh-so-grateful. You fell asleep during take-off and landing and played with the passengers in between. You were playing peek-a-boo with a 2 year old girl named Emily, who was sitting in front of us. You ate well while in the boarding lounge and on the plane and was in such a good mood.

Mommy is proud of herself too. We managed a huge luggage, a stroller bag, your car seat in the stroller base, a hand carry, a diaper bag and a baby all by ourselves with minimal help! We would not be able to do it with Zoë though...that would be too many beings to keep an eye on. This proves to Mommy that we are able to travel alone so maybe we will do more trips in the future, just you and I.

Our plane ride by ourselves was a success and thank you again for being a good girl. You are definitely growing up!

Love, Mom

On the plane en route to YVR

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