Friday, December 4, 2009

Milestone: Sleeping Through the Night!

Dear Izzy,

This is the milestone Mommy has been waiting for! You are finally sleeping through the night. About 2.5 weeks ago, we weaned you off the 2am feed and you've been doing great! The first couple of nights, you woke up and fussed but after the third night, you slept right through till 6am. That gives Mommy about 6-7 hours of uninterrupted sleep after we dream feed you at 10pm. Well, Mommy is still trying to relearn to sleep through the night ourselves as we are so used to waking up. But the nights that Mommy does sleep through till 6am, I feel so refreshed and like a new person! It's nice after 9 months of having fragmented sleep to finally be able to just have peace of mind that you don't need a feeding anymore in the middle of the night.

Not only are you sleeping through the night, your naps are getting longer as well. You were only doing 30mins naps for the past couple of months but now they have lengthened to 1 hour naps. You dropped your late afternoon nap and now are taking only 2 naps a day.

We have to slowly tweak your schedule to try to get you to wake up later...6am is still a little too early! Maybe one day you'll be able to sleep in till 7am. We can only hope!

Keep it up, baby!

Love, Mom

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