Friday, February 26, 2010

Izzy, Izzy...where are YOU?!?!?!


You almost gave Mommy a heart attack today! I think that I have sprouted some grey hairs due to what you have done to me.

Mommy was in the kitchen fixing you some yogurt and fruit and when we looked up to find you, you were gone. So we went into your Isabelle. We checked Mommy & Daddy's Isabelle. We checked your bathroom...nope, not there. And we checked our, not there either! We went back into your room where your swing is hiding in the corner...again, we could not find you.

By this time, Mommy started panicking and calling out to you. Then we heard a little rustle.... the ball pit!!! You were just chilling in it, watching Ni Hao, Kai-Lan so quietly! You looked like one of the dolls in the ball pit. Mommy couldn't help but burst out laughing plus a couple drops of tears!

Please Isabelle, next time when Mommy calls out to you, please SAY something so I know where you are!

Love, Mom

All innocent-looking, pointing at me, "What's wrong, Mom?"

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday, dear Izzy!!

Happy Birthday to you ... Happy Birthday to you ...
Happy Birthday dear Isabelle ... Happy Birthday to YOUUUU !


I think you heard this song about 20+ times today! You like it so much that everytime Mommy or Daddy starts singing it, you begin to clap excitedly.

You woke up today all smiles and extra happy...I think you knew that it was YOUR day. Mommy and Daddy had a special day all planned out for you! We took you to the L.A. Zoo. Mommy figured that it would be a great place to take you to because you LOVE to look at different animals. At home here, you are always on the look out for cats, dogs and squirrels when we take Zoë for her walks.

You had a BLAST at the zoo! We took a tram ride around the zoo and when we finally got off to check out the animals, you were really curious. We only had time to go to a few exhibits and your favorite one was the komodo dragon. We also came really close to the giraffes...they are such magnificent animals!

The zoo is so huge and we didn't get to finish looking at all the different animals. But don't worry, Mommy and Daddy got you a 1-year membership so we can return anytime! Looks like we will be spending the summer at the zoo this year!

When we got home, you were pooped and fell right asleep. And when you woke up, we had another mini-celebration! You got to eat some leftover birthday cake from your party. You couldn't wait to dig in but had to listen to another round of "Happy Birthday".

We hope you had a great 1st year and a great birthday. Although you will not remember this day, we hope that you will have lots of fun looking through all these photos when you are bigger.

Love, Mom & Dad

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Happy 51 week birthday!


Mommy has decided to let you self-wean from nursing...since we are still going to be home for the next little while, Mommy thought, why not let you stop on your terms. We both enjoy these wonderful bonding moments anyways. And yay, we've made it to almost a year of exclusive breastfeeding! Kudos to both of us...

Your vocabulary is growing fast now recognize quite a few nouns. We know this because you point at these objects/people when we ask you where they are. Such a smart cookie, you are! The words you know are Zoë, Mommy, Daddy, Ah Ma, Godma, Ah Kong, cat, Hello Kitty (of course!), balloon, outside. These are the few Mommy can remember. We need to start making a running list of the words you know!

Your main form of communication is pointing because you point at what you want. At mealtime, when you are done with your main course, you point to your fruit. When you are thirsty, you point to your sippy cup. When you want to go outside, you point too. You also can gesture "come" when you want something/someone to come to you. It's awesome that you are starting to express yourself with other ways other than crying and whining!

We will be going in to see Dr. Scott next week for your 1 year checkup. Mommy can't wait to find out how much you've grown!

Love, Mom

Enjoying your frist lollipop

Sunday, February 21, 2010

1st Birthday Party

Dear Izzy,

Daddy threw your 1st birthday party today and boy was it fancy! Mommy almost thought he was planning your wedding or something. Daddy's theory is "Go BIG or go home" so he went all out. First, the venue was came all decked out with a pretty red chandelier. Eve on Nemo had a beautiful kitchen, spacious indoor space and modern outdoor patio. The was a chance of rain today but the weather held up very nicely...the sun even peeked out!

Daddy has been busy prepping for your party for the last 2 days that's why you haven't seen him at home. But now you know why because the food was impeccable! We had about 40 guests who joined us in celebrating your 1st birthday. Your little friends came as had a blast!

The theme of your party was "Hello Kitty" and you were decked out in your Hello Kitty tunic dress. We had Hello Kitty candy and also a Hello Kitty cake! You ate your first lollipop and some cake today and so you were running on pure sugar all afternoon.

You absolutely loved it when everyone sang you "Happy Birthday"...even clapped to yourself when they finished. You were also serenaded by Markie, he sang you his own version of "Happy Birthday" and you were mesmerized by him! It was the cutest thing ever.

All in all, it was a great day and we are so lucky to have so many friends and family who made this day EXTRA special with their presence. You received so many gifts and now our living room has been taken over by all your new toys. You also received monetary gifts that have been deposited into your savings account for future educational use.

You will never remember this day but hopefully with all the photos we took, will be able to relive it.

Love, Mom

Izzy looking at Daddy in appreciation for the birthday party he catered

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy 50 week birthday!

You turn ONE next week, Izzy!!! Seriously, where has the time gone? Somedays Mommy feels like she is trying so hard to slow down the sands of time slipping through her fingers. But alas, you are growing up so fast in front of my eyes. Some people tell me that you are lucky that Mommy stays home with you but I think I am the lucky one. You are a different person everyday and I am so lucky to be there to experience your growth.

Last week you had a mild fever and immediately Mommy thought that you came down with a UTI again because there were no other symptoms. Thank God that after a visit to the doctor where we did a urine test, the results came back negative. Daddy thinks that you are going through another round of teething. Your night sleep for the next few nights were not very good. You were constantly waking up at around 3:30 am and not able to soothe yourself back to sleep. Last night improved a little. Hopefully you are back to your sleeping through the night schedule!

You are learning to share! You offer to share your finger food with Mommy these days. It's the cutest thing! Even though sometimes your cookie is all covered and/or soaked in drool, Mommy still takes a bite of it because you are so sweet to want to share with me!

We will be celebrating your BIG ONE this weekend! We are all busy with preparations...the day is coming too soon!

Love, Mom

Just enjoyed a cherry-flavored macaroon from Godpa Dan

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Gong Xi Fa Chai and Happy Valentine's Day

Dear Izzy,

It's a double celebration day today! We celebrate the Chinese New Year and also Valentine's Day. Here's a look at what's in store for you in the new lunar year.

Your Chinese horoscope for the year of the Ox
Occupying the 2nd position on the Chinese Zodiac, Oxen possess such character traits as dependability, strength and determination. Oxen are tolerant individuals who believe that the road to success involves hard work and scrupulous behavior; they don’t believe in taking shortcuts. They characterize those who don’t work hard as lazy individuals not worthy of respect.

Oxen are capable of trusting others and will listen to their opinions with an open mind. However, Oxen prefer making decisions that are based on their own research. Oxen favor strong, life-long alliances to casual acquaintances.

Home is where Oxen go to seek comfort, occasionally watching television or reading. They prefer the rural outdoors and spend the majority of their “home” time working in the garden or caring for the yard.

Earth Ox – Years 1949 and 2009
Earth Oxen are successful individuals, probably because they are diligent rather than impulsive. A more modest approach combined with their reliability and sincerity makes them more likeable.

Ox horoscope for the year of the metal Tiger
You should be aware of some conflicts that might happen in the coming year, particularly with the dragons and horses. To avoid these conflicts, remember to keep an open mind and to not judge others without any basis. This year is a good year for you to learn a new language, so, if you have always wanted to pick up a new language before traveling, 2010 would definitely be the best year. Career-wise, those born in the year of the Ox should be aware that in 2010, your working attitude will be slightly lackadaisical and without much buoyed enthusiasm, put in effort to change the attitude.

Hope this doesn't mean that the "terrible twos" attitude is going to start early because Mommy is a horse and Daddy is a dragon! You are already acting like a teenager with all the disagreements at meal times nowadays!

Love, Mom

Christmas present from Daddy that Mommy will frame up

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Happy 49 week birthday!

Dear Izzy,

My oh my, your stubborn streak has surfaced BIG TIME! You shake your head "no" to everything! You used to be such a good eater, now you are on a food strike and shake your head and close your eyes to everything Mommy offers you. You haven't really had a full meal for the last few days. I hope this is just a phase and you'll snap out of it soon!

You also haven't used the potty too. Every time Mommy puts you on the potty, you whine and crawl off. Then you arch your back so Mommy can't put you back on. You then proceed to pee on the floor while Mommy grabs a diaper to put on you. Is this some kind of a control issue?

On the up side, you are always standing independently and a couple of occasions, you've take a step. Your legs are getting strong because it takes very little effort for you to stand and stoop. You zip around the apartment with your stroller walker. Mommy's life is going to change forever when you start walking!

Ah Ma is back in town helping Mommy out. We are going to be super busy this couple of weeks planning and getting your party ready!

Love, Mom

Monday, February 8, 2010


爷爷 asked to see more videos of you so he can see your progress. Here are some that we just added the other day.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Happy 48 week birthday!

Dear Isabelle,

You are getting cheekier and cheekier by the day! These days when Mommy nurses you at bedtime, you LOVE to shove Lulu into Mommy's face to make me smell it. Lulu's sooooo stinky! And you burst out into giggles when Mommy starts gagging. You do it again, and again, and again! You love to see Mommy suffer, don't you?

You are a real chatterbox! Daddy's ticked by your sounds like real sentences in some kind of a foreign language! Sometimes when Mommy or Daddy lectures you, you talk back. I can already imagine what's going to happen in your teenage years. Oh my! Also, when we went into Walmart to try to exchange your damaged toy, the sales clerk who was helping us was arguing with us and wasn't being very helpful. Mommy had to raise her voice to get her point across and you felt like you had to join in too. Mommy tried so hard to not start laughing because we were supposed to be mad that Walmart's exchange policy was so flawed!

As for walking, the other day you took your first independent step from the sofa to the loveseat. Although it was only for a split-second and a single step, you let go of both hands when you were going from the sofa to the loveseat! It was all because of a veggie stick that you left there a couple of minutes before. Soooo Mommy found your weak spot....FOOD!!!

You love to throw stuff around ON PURPOSE now. You throw everything! Your sippy cup, Daddy's blackberry, Mommy's keys, your friuts... The other day, Mommy saw you throw your cereal on the floor for Zoë! Are you bribing her to like you more? Well, at least you are learning how to share...

We took you to the playground and you had such fun! Because you are more mobile, you are beginning to appreciate the playground now. You don't have to just play on the swing anymore...can you climb around in the slide castle!

Oh baby, you are so much fun now, it's awesome!!

Love, Mom

Izzy playing on the playground

Monday, February 1, 2010

Mommy Heart Attacks

Izzy, Izzy, Izzy...

You give Mommy heart attacks everyday with the antics you come up with. Where do you learn things like that? I really don't know. You get new bruises everyday but you really do not care! Your newest antic is to climb into your infant swing and start swinging yourself really high. It's CRAZY!
