Friday, February 26, 2010

Izzy, Izzy...where are YOU?!?!?!


You almost gave Mommy a heart attack today! I think that I have sprouted some grey hairs due to what you have done to me.

Mommy was in the kitchen fixing you some yogurt and fruit and when we looked up to find you, you were gone. So we went into your Isabelle. We checked Mommy & Daddy's Isabelle. We checked your bathroom...nope, not there. And we checked our, not there either! We went back into your room where your swing is hiding in the corner...again, we could not find you.

By this time, Mommy started panicking and calling out to you. Then we heard a little rustle.... the ball pit!!! You were just chilling in it, watching Ni Hao, Kai-Lan so quietly! You looked like one of the dolls in the ball pit. Mommy couldn't help but burst out laughing plus a couple drops of tears!

Please Isabelle, next time when Mommy calls out to you, please SAY something so I know where you are!

Love, Mom

All innocent-looking, pointing at me, "What's wrong, Mom?"


Peggy said...

OMG she does look like a little doll in there! I can totally imagine how panic you were at the time!!!

Liz said...

All sorts of thoughts were going through my head like, did someone come into the house and take her etc. OMG, my heart was racing a mile a minute!