My oh my, your stubborn streak has surfaced BIG TIME! You shake your head "no" to everything! You used to be such a good eater, now you are on a food strike and shake your head and close your eyes to everything Mommy offers you. You haven't really had a full meal for the last few days. I hope this is just a phase and you'll snap out of it soon!
You also haven't used the potty too. Every time Mommy puts you on the potty, you whine and crawl off. Then you arch your back so Mommy can't put you back on. You then proceed to pee on the floor while Mommy grabs a diaper to put on you. Is this some kind of a control issue?
On the up side, you are always standing independently and a couple of occasions, you've take a step. Your legs are getting strong because it takes very little effort for you to stand and stoop. You zip around the apartment with your stroller walker. Mommy's life is going to change forever when you start walking!
Ah Ma is back in town helping Mommy out. We are going to be super busy this couple of weeks planning and getting your party ready!
Love, Mom
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