You are still not liking cow's milk. Daddy thinks it's because the organic one we buy is a little on the bitter side. We are trying out another brand and hopefully you'll learn to like it because you really need the fats in milk to grow and develop your brain.
You understand us more and more now and these days, Mommy and Daddy have to be careful when we speak around you. The other day, Mommy was talking to Daddy and asked him where Lulu was and you immediately crawled to the bathroom and pointed to the newly washed Lulu hung up to dry. What a smart cookie! Every time when Mommy asks Zoë if she wants to go for a walk, you immediately crawl to me and pull up on my legs asking me to carry you because you want to go for a walk too. When Daddy asks you where the plane is, you point to the sky. And a lot of times, when you see something new, you point to it and say "wha'zis?" sounds VERY close to "what's this?" I think I even heard you say "Zoë" the other day too!
Mommy thinks you are going to like singing because you are always humming to yourself. When you play by yourself, we hear you hum. When you "read" your books, you hum. And sometimes when we go for walks in your stroller, you take in the scenery and sing. You were singing so loudly the other day, a pedestrian in front of us stopped, waited for Mommy and you to pass by him and came up beside Mommy and said, "She's going to be singer one day." It was hilarious!
For the last 4 days, you've been super cranky and grumpy. You haven't really been sleeping well either. Mommy and Daddy are not sure why. Maybe another tooth coming out? We think so. Mommy hopes this will blow over soon because we miss the cheeky and cheerful Izzy. Mommy gets so mentally drained when all you do all day is whine but I guess you can't really help it if you are feeling uncomfortable.
Get well soon, Izzy.
Love, Mom
Does she take formula? Kaiden is still on formula and according to my doctor, toddler under 2 can still benefit from all the goodness of the formula that you can't get from cow's milk. Perhaps if she is willing to do formula, keep her on it as well?
No...she doesn't take formula. I think I have to resort to putting some Ovaltine or something like that in her milk. I used to be like that when I was younger too...LOL
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