Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Dear Izzy,

It's Daddy's birthday today! You were supposed to share Daddy's birthday but because you had a mind of your own (and also maybe you don't like to share) you decided to come into the world early last year.

We went out with Godpa Dan for a small celebration dinner for Daddy's birthday. I think you had more fun than anyone else! You were so talkative and cheeky this evening, playing with Godpa Dan and the wait staff at the restaurant. You got to try duck confit, scrambled eggs with caviar and mussels in white wine sauce. Daddy is having a blast feeding you different stuff after Dr. Scott's OK. You really enjoyed the scrambled eggs and caviar! You are going to grow up with one hell of a palette. Your future boyfriends are going to have a hard time impressing you at restaurants, much to Daddy's delight!

Happy 34th birthday, Daddy! We know you've been very busy preparing for your competition in April so after it's over, we should have a big celebration!

Love, Mom

Cheeky face is at it again...

Izzy trying to blow Daddy's candle

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