So you've turned vegetarian?! You haven't really been eating any meat these few days. Mommy tried to make you chicken, beef and even meatballs in tomato sauce but you wouldn't eat them. You only eat your broccoli, carrots, peas and pasta! Those are your favorite vegetables. You do like your seafood enjoy shrimp and fish. But still, Daddy's going to be very sad if you really turn vegetarian on him because he is looking forward to cooking you many of his recipes from his repertoire.
On another note, you have totally weaned yourself from nursing. A couple of weeks ago, we were down to your bedtime feed and the early morning feed. You phased out your bedtime feed first. You would rather roll around in the bed while Mommy reads your bedtime stories than nurse and then a few days later, decided to phase out the early morning feed too. You used to wake up around 5am and Mommy would nurse you and you would go back to sleep for an hour or so. For a few days, you would wake up at 5am, but push Mommy away when I try to nurse you. So I would just put you back down in your crib. Nowadays you don't wake up at 5am anymore! would sleep till around 6-6:30am. Mommy is very glad that the weaning went well and there were no struggles but also at the same time quite sad that our nursing sessions are over for good. My baby is truly growing up.
What Dr. Scott said was true. Once the nursing session stops, your milk intake will increase. You've been drinking more and more milk after you weaned yourself. I think we are up to about 8-10 oz of milk a day now, which is a great improvement! But you still like your milk a little bit sweet (I don't blame you after being exclusively breastfed) so we have to mix it with a bit of yogurt drink.
Trying to run is the new skill you are practicing these days. You can walk quite well now and always want to be put down when we are out. You have extremely "itchy" fingers and try to touch everything within reach. When you try to run, it's funny because you would walk really fast and throw yourself into open arms. You understand so much more words that you can say and can follow simple instructions. The new words that you've been saying this week are "hi", "wow" and "weeeeee".
Since we are in Vancouver, in the mornings when you wake up, you would go into everyone else's room and wake them up. You go to the side of the bed where they are sleeping and scream/laugh and point at them until they wake up and pay some attention to you. You are such a menace! No one is allowed to sleep in when you are around. Also, when Ah Kong takes care of you, you climb up and down the stairs, take dirty clothes from the laundry room and throw them all over the house and sometimes you walk him to the front door and point to it. You do that because you are asking him to take you to the park across from the house! You tire both Ah Ma and Ah Kong out. They are going to have a vacation when we go to Toronto for a week!
You are so much fun now...I knew you were a cheeky one but didn't expect the cheekiness to emerge so soon. Mommy really doesn't know what is going to be in store for her when you enter your terrible twos! Actually, I think it already started!
Love, Mom