Tuesday, April 6, 2010

2nd Round of Shots

Dear Izzy,

We went in to the doctor to get your 2nd round of shots today. It's your last dose of Prevnar and you also got your TB skin test. We also had a weight check for you as well. You put on 1/2 lbs! You are now up to 17lbs 2 ozs and have tripled your birth weight.

You were brave when you got your TB skin test. You saw the needle go into your arm and didn't make a peep. But then you saw the bigger needle that contained the Prevnar dose and started crying even before the nurse gave you the shot! I think you are starting to remember events now. Poor baby. I hope you don't equate the doctor's office with shots and hate going to the doctor's from now on.

You also have a slight cold and have been having a few rough nights. I guess that fever was your body trying to fight the cold virus. Get well soon because next week we will be going back to Vancouver and Mommy doesn't want to bring a sick on the plane.

Love, Mom

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