Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter, Izzy!

You've come a long way! Look at how much you've grown...

This is your first Easter that you we able to enjoy! We went to an Easter Egghunt party on Friday and you had a great time with your little friends. Mommy put on your Hello Kitty tunic dress for you and you carried your Hello Kitty Easter basket to the party. You picked up so many Easter eggs containing so many goodies inside. Then we sat on the picnic mat under the tree and had a great potluck picnic. Mommy made hazelnut cupcakes with Nutella buttercream frosting...yummm. It turned out well! Mommy can make those for your future school events! Mommy is starting to get the hang of the whole Suzie homemaker thing and I am starting to enjoy it...hahaha.

On Easter Sunday you got an Easter basket from Mommy and Daddy containing a whole bunch of new toys...all Hello Kitty! You had yourself a fabulous Hello Kitty Easter!

Love, Mom

Mommy's cupcakes

Izzy looking for Easter eggs

Mommy & Izzy

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