Sunday, May 30, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Happy 15 month birthday!
So what have you been up to this month? You now recognize a whole array of fruits and veggies. It's because Daddy loves bringing you to the farmer's market every time he gets a chance. Now whenever we are grocery shopping, you point at all the fruits and vegetables you like, for example, strawberries, pear, grapes, oranges, broccoli, carrots, avocado etc. A lot of times, after you point at the fruits, you want to eat them! Mommy has to bring fruits to the supermarket now or you'll throw a tantrum.
After watching "My Baby Can Read", you've also learned the hand signals for Itsy Bitsy Spider and will sometimes simultaneously do it while watching it on TV. You pick things up really fast now! When Mommy or Daddy reads you your bedtimes stories, you also point to whatever we are reading about in the book. You especially love pointing to the red ballooon and the cow in "Goodnight Moon".
As for speechwise, some new words you've picked up are "woow woow" for dog, "yummm" when food is delicious, "uh oh" for accidents, bringing me to the kitchen pantry, pointing to the cupboard and saying "cookie", "mum mum" (sounds more like mem mem) for food, "be be" for your big fuzzy stuffed bear and "ba bu" for bubbles. Sometimes you even speak in really long "sentences" but the only thing is Mommy doesn't know what you mean?! You're vocabulary is growing every single day!
You LOVE the park. Your favorites are the swing and the slide. You always pull Mommy towards the swing so I can put you in it and push you. And you're so brave nowadays, you go down the slide yourself! Sometimes Mommy thinks you are going to give me a heart attack whenever you are all crazy at the park!
I also think you are ready to transition to 1 nap a day. Your waketimes have lengthened and it's hard to put you down for your 9am and 1:30pm naps. So Mommy is going to slowly push back your 9am nap to around noon and then eliminate your 1:30pm nap altogether. It's going to be a cranky couple of weeks till the new schedule is established. But on the bright side, once you are down to 1 nap, it will be soooo much easier to schedule playdates!
Love, Mom
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
8th Tooth!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Just For Fun!
Isabelle's Personality Profile
Your baby has a sunny disposition.
Your baby has a high intensity, which is wonderful when the emotion is positive, not so wonderful when feelings are negative. Parents and caregivers may have difficulty distinguishing between this baby's cries, whether the complaint indicates mild discomfort or something more serious. Either way, this baby gets attention.
Your baby is happiest with a predictable routine, which in turn makes it easy for you to predict her wants and needs.
Your baby has boundless energy, which can be wonderful and exasperating, depending on the situation. The busy baby needs plenty of opportunities for physical exercise and play, and a parent's eagle eye checking for dangerous situations. (If he won't stay restrained in a shopping cart, for instance, carry him!)
Your baby is aware of what's going on around her, and yet is not disturbed by sensory stimulation. She can tolerate a little noise and activity, but may have a personal pet peeve, such as disco music during naptime or a diaper that's damp.
Initial Response
Your child is cautious in new situations. The slow-to-warm-up child likes to hang back and observe before getting involved with new people. When your child's situation will be changing--a move to the toddler room at daycare, for instance--prepare the child in advance by visiting the new place and meeting the people involved in the transition.
Your child is fairly adaptable to new situations in the long-term. If Dad takes over a routine that was once Mom's domain, such as giving a bath or reading bedtime stories, your child will be wary at first, but will eventually accept the new order. As much as possible, let your child know what to expect, and as your child gets older, make sure the rules and boundaries are clear. It's easier to be adaptable in a household that has an established order and rules that are firm and understood.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Water Baby
Since it was a warm day today, Mommy decided that we should try out the pool. So we got ready, put you in your new fancy surf suit (which is supposed to protect you from all the harmful UV rays with its long sleeves) and rubbed ourselves down with lots of sunscreen. Mommy blew up the new floatie we got you got sooo excited!
Finally we were all ready, we headed to the pool. Mommy dipped my toe in the water to test the temperature...BRRRRRR! The water was freezing cold still! But you, my little water baby, could not wait to get into the water. You kept on kicking your feet and splashing the water everywhere!
So as to not disappoint you, Mommy lowered you down into your floatie, fully expecting you to start protesting about the water's temperature but to my surprise, you were giggling and splashing in the freezing cold water! You are definitely my little Pisces, Isabelle.
Mommy couldn't let you swim for too long we took you out of the pool after 15 mins. But you swam more when we put you into the bath!
We'll have to schedule a pool playdate with your buddies soon.
Love, Mom
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
First Dentist Visit
We went in for your very first dental visit today! Boy, was it an adventure. When we arrived, you headed straight for the play area. You had so much fun, playing with the toys and coloring. Then when it came to your turn to see Dr. Robert Smith, you started to cry and clenched your jaw down so tight like an alligator! But Dr. Smith was able to make you open your mouth by giving you a toothbrush to chew on and he checked out the 7 toofers you have.
Mommy was a little concerned about the size of your teeth and asked Dr. Smith if they looked too big for your mouth and he said that right now, your mouth is probably too small for your teeth. With time, your mouth will grow but your teeth will remain the same size and so they won't look too big anymore. Dr. Smith mentioned an underbite because you flashed him your fake smile with your top teeth slightly behind your bottom teeth. He said he won't be able to tell right now and it might just be a habit. What has Mommy been telling you? Don't smile like that! I think you do it on purpose because it looks so funny.
Love, Mom
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mother's Day

Dear daughter,
than I ever thought I'd be
You are more than I ever hoped for
such a sweet reward to me.
You have my heart forever
I loved you from the start
It's my privilege to be your mother
Dear daughter, deep down from my heart.
I am so blessed and lucky to be your Mommy. Even though you drive me up the wall most days, I would not trade you for the world!
Love, Mom
Saturday, May 8, 2010
14.5 months
You are a whirlwind of activity and curiosity! I am not sure where you get all your energy from but you sure wear Mommy out every day. And you touch EVERYTHING in really have a pair of busy hands!
You have also started to throw real temper tantrums...and are they ever dramatic! You do it when Mommy or Daddy say "No" to you. You throw your body on the floor and start kicking your legs and screaming. Mommy usually has to ignore you because trying to reason with you is like talking to a brick wall. After a few minutes, you will calm yourself down and go back to whatever you were doing before.
Your language and cognitive development are definitely starting to be very obvious. You always imitate what we say to you when we point out objects. The other day, you took me to the fridge and kept on saying "Pe! Pe!" Mommy didn't get it at first and when I carried you up, you pointed to the pear! Oh, now I know what you wanted...a pear! Silly mommy, what's wrong with me, right? You also know that objects are used for certain purposes. Like when the phone rings, you quickly pick up an object that looks like a phone, i.e. the remote control or my computer mouse and put it to your ear and say "hi!" It's really adorable. And when Mommy or Daddy asks you to talk on the phone to someone, you run to the phone and say "hi" and then run away smiling.
Yes, you are starting to run now. Mommy has to keep one eye on you at all times because 1 second you are here, the other second you are gone! And since you have very busy hands and have learned to open and close cupboards, we cannot let you run around the apartment without supervision.
What a busy, busy girl you are but so much fun.
Love, Mom

Monday, May 3, 2010
Adventures in Toronto
You did well on the plane ride there and back and we have to really thank Uncle Andrew who flew with us from YVR to YYZ. He helped entertain you on the plane and with our luggages because Mommy had so many things we had to bring with us. I think you scared him with the amount of snacks that you ate on the flight!
You had a lot of fun in Auntie Evelyn and Frank's house...playing in their beautiful yard, climbing up and down the stairs and terrorizing everyone in it. The first 2 days we were there, we visited the malls. The third day, Mommy and Izzy ventured out downtown to meet up with one of Mommy's ex-co-worker and her girls. We had a great time! We even met up with Mommy's ex-boss!
The next day, we went and saw Daddy at his competition at the culinary school. You were sooo happy to see Daddy because you hadn't seen him for about 3 weeks. Daddy was also delighted to see you. We went there to support Daddy and he did GREAT! Just for you, Daddy won the right to represent Canada in the 2013 Bocuse d'Or to be held in Lyon, France. We will be there to cheer Daddy on!
Since you've been such a good girl and traveler, Mommy is confident to take you on more trips now.
Love, Mom