Isabelle's Personality Profile
Your baby has a sunny disposition.
Your baby has a high intensity, which is wonderful when the emotion is positive, not so wonderful when feelings are negative. Parents and caregivers may have difficulty distinguishing between this baby's cries, whether the complaint indicates mild discomfort or something more serious. Either way, this baby gets attention.
Your baby is happiest with a predictable routine, which in turn makes it easy for you to predict her wants and needs.
Your baby has boundless energy, which can be wonderful and exasperating, depending on the situation. The busy baby needs plenty of opportunities for physical exercise and play, and a parent's eagle eye checking for dangerous situations. (If he won't stay restrained in a shopping cart, for instance, carry him!)
Your baby is aware of what's going on around her, and yet is not disturbed by sensory stimulation. She can tolerate a little noise and activity, but may have a personal pet peeve, such as disco music during naptime or a diaper that's damp.
Initial Response
Your child is cautious in new situations. The slow-to-warm-up child likes to hang back and observe before getting involved with new people. When your child's situation will be changing--a move to the toddler room at daycare, for instance--prepare the child in advance by visiting the new place and meeting the people involved in the transition.
Your child is fairly adaptable to new situations in the long-term. If Dad takes over a routine that was once Mom's domain, such as giving a bath or reading bedtime stories, your child will be wary at first, but will eventually accept the new order. As much as possible, let your child know what to expect, and as your child gets older, make sure the rules and boundaries are clear. It's easier to be adaptable in a household that has an established order and rules that are firm and understood.
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