You are a whirlwind of activity and curiosity! I am not sure where you get all your energy from but you sure wear Mommy out every day. And you touch EVERYTHING in really have a pair of busy hands!
You have also started to throw real temper tantrums...and are they ever dramatic! You do it when Mommy or Daddy say "No" to you. You throw your body on the floor and start kicking your legs and screaming. Mommy usually has to ignore you because trying to reason with you is like talking to a brick wall. After a few minutes, you will calm yourself down and go back to whatever you were doing before.
Your language and cognitive development are definitely starting to be very obvious. You always imitate what we say to you when we point out objects. The other day, you took me to the fridge and kept on saying "Pe! Pe!" Mommy didn't get it at first and when I carried you up, you pointed to the pear! Oh, now I know what you wanted...a pear! Silly mommy, what's wrong with me, right? You also know that objects are used for certain purposes. Like when the phone rings, you quickly pick up an object that looks like a phone, i.e. the remote control or my computer mouse and put it to your ear and say "hi!" It's really adorable. And when Mommy or Daddy asks you to talk on the phone to someone, you run to the phone and say "hi" and then run away smiling.
Yes, you are starting to run now. Mommy has to keep one eye on you at all times because 1 second you are here, the other second you are gone! And since you have very busy hands and have learned to open and close cupboards, we cannot let you run around the apartment without supervision.
What a busy, busy girl you are but so much fun.
Love, Mom

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