Wednesday, November 10, 2010

20.5 months

Hi Izzy!

Since you are now solidly napping only once a day and getting easier to take out by myself, Mommy decided to take you to the Long Beach aquarium for our first big Mommy and Me outing! You did soooo well and Mommy's so proud of you. We met up with one of Mommy's ex co-workers there who just had her little baby girl, Lauren. You were so nice and gentle with her...awww.

You are also definitely starting to put more and more words together. Although most times, Mommy still finds it difficult to decipher what you say, the other day, you pointed at Zoë who Mommy accidentally locked outside the patio and said "Eh Wee side!". You saved the day and Zoë from being locked outside. What a good little sister you are!


"Mommy, nemos!" she says

So gentle with baby Lauren

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