Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween and Trick or Treatin' Festivities!

Trick or Treat!!!

Izzy, last year, you were just a teeny tiny pea. And this year, you're a busy bumble bee! Ahhh...time flies! You had yourself a blast this Halloween. You were old enough to enjoy yourself and even go trick or treatin'. It was the cutest sight.

You also dressed up for dance class and was the cutest little dancer bee that day.

Can't wait till next Halloween...Mommy has to think up another cute costume for you! Maybe we should do a family one again, that's if your Daddy decides to participate too!

Love, Mom

Our first Halloween together

At a Halloween party...getting ready for some trick or treatin'!

Trick or treat!

Cutest little dancer bee at dance class

Helping Daddy pick out a pumpkin

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