Monday, December 6, 2010

21 month Baby Wellness Checkup

We went in for your 21 month Baby Wellness Checkup at Dr. Scott's office today. Your stats are:
  • 21.8 lbs 6%tile
  • 33 inches in height 55%tile
  • 47.5 cm head circumference 62 %tile
Dr. Scott is happy with your weight gain but he also did say that he doesn't see you being on the heavy side. You definitely have a high metabolism! You did very well at your appointment today. You got 2 shots - your 2nd flu shot and the hepatitis A. You cried but only for a little while. I know, it doesn't get easier but it's for your own good!

The next time we see Dr. Scott will be when you turn 2!

Love, Mom

Reading a book while waiting for Dr. Scott

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