Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Shinanigans and Activities

Dear Izzy,

The Christmas season is upon us! One of my favorite holidays...even more so now because I, as the matriarch, get to make new traditions for our little family. This year we are staying in LA since we went to Vancouver for Christmas last year. I think it's only fair that Daddy gets to spend Christmas with you every other year even though he's usually super busy.

Anyway, we started December putting up our tree. Well, Mommy and Daddy did because you are still too young to help out. But you really loved it when you saw the tree in the morning! We also had a mini family photoshoot. Mommy loves to do photoshoot once in a while because you grow up so fast and I want to capture you at all your stages in your life.

We also did a Christmas brunch with Auntie Janet and Uncle Jeff. There was so much food to eat but you only wanted to eat cupcakes! You really do have a sweet tooth. Mommy had a great idea on what to get Daddy for Christmas so we went to Color Me Mine and painted a HUGE coffee mug for Daddy. You painted it all by yourself and was so proud of your artwork! I think it came out very well.

There was a Christmas parade on the Venice canals and we went there as a family to watch it. What a great day! There were also a couple of Christmas playdates which we attended: Gingerbread house playdate and Christmas caroling day at the adult day care center. You had a blast at both of them!

Wow, it was a busy December and December is not even over yet. Christmas is only a few days away!

Love, Mom

Chen family Christmas tree

Mini photoshoot

Christmas brunch at the Four Seasons Hotel

Painting at Color Me Mine

Watching the Christmas parade on the Venice canals

Christmas parade

Building your gingerbread house

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