Saturday, January 1, 2011

Goodbye 2010, Hello 2011!

Happy New Year, Izzy!

This year was bittersweet for Mommy....most of the sweet stuff came from you, of course! Mommy hopes that 2011 will be a better year for us as a family as things change so fast.

Anyway, right now, we are busy preparing for our big trip to Asia. But before our trip to Asia, Mommy and you are flying to Vancouver to spend some time with Ah Ma, Ah Kong, and Godma. Then Ah Ma will be babysitting you for a week while Mommy and Daddy go to France.

When we get back from France, we will depart on our almost month-long trip to Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong! We are going to have a busy couple of months because when we get back, Mommy has to plan your birthday party and Izzy will be turning 2!

Wow, Mommy is already exhausted, thinking of all this traveling and planning. But it's going to be an exciting start to the new year.

Love, Mom

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