Thursday, January 13, 2011

Oops I did it again!

I took a pregnancy test this morning and guess what?! BIG FAT POSITIVE!

Now I have to figure out how to tell Alex...

...I hope I won't feel sick throughout my trip to France and Asia...

BUT I am so happy because I wanted this soooo very much...both for me but more so for Izzy. After having Izzy, I can't believe how much I love this little being and my heart aches whenever I think about the day when Alex and I leave this earth. I don't ever want my baby to be alone. I know that she won't be because she will have lots of friends and relatives but I want her to have a sibling. I don't ever want her to feel loneliness, I want her to know a brother or a sister. I want her to have the same relationship that I have with my own sister, whom I have grown to love and respect. She is my best friend, my confident, the person whom I know who has my back. I want the same for Izzy.

Thank you God for this new miracle.

1 comment:

Danielle Ow said...

Izzy will be a great big sister like you were to me!