Thursday, January 1, 2009

A Brand New Year

Happy New Year Belle!

We got to do our countdown with Daddy this year! Usually we are in Vancouver celebrating with Mommy's side of the family but this year, Daddy invited us to his kitchen at the hotel after everything has calmed down. He made us a foie gras dish (again, it is one of Mommy's FAVORITE!) and chocolate was HEAVEN! Then we counted down to 2009!

2009 is a special year as it will be your birth year. Another 63 days till your estimated due date. Are you coming early or late? If you are anything like your Daddy, you will be on time...we'll see!

Anyway, we started off the new year by attending a meeting with the La Leche League. It was a very informative meeting and Mommy learned a whole lot! Hopefully we will be able to apply all that we have learned in theory when you arrive!

Love, Mom

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