Dear Isabelle,
The countdown begins...the end is near and the start of a new beginning is just around the corner! Mommy and Daddy are frantically getting things together before your arrival. Grandma and Grandpa have booked their flights to LA and your 爺爺 and 奶奶 are applying for their visitors visa for their visit.
We also had our bi-weekly baby doctor's appointment yesterday. Everything measured well. Our fundal height is 35 cm which corresponds to our age in weeks, blood pressure is in the normal range and your heartbeat is around 140+ beats/min. However, we lost 1 lb—back down to 129 lbs. How come? I don't know but our diet hasn't really changed at all! The doctor is not too concerned right now and just encourages us to eat much more can Mommy eat? We are already eating every hour!
On the bright side, she told us to schedule a 36 week ultrasound. We made it for Thursday, Feb. 5 and are excited! Mommy and Daddy can't wait to see you again...yippee!
Daddy also suggested we hire a doula to help us out. Since you are our first, we want this experience to be a great one. So Mommy is looking into a few referrals. We would preferably get someone who matches both Mommy and Daddy's personality and birth vision.
Love, Mom
I wish I have another ultrasound too... :(
You are getting the real thing soon! This is sooo exciting!
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