Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ultrasound Day

Hi Belle,

So we got to "see" you today at our ultrasound. But again, you are not cooperating. Not only that we found out you have moved into a breech position since we last saw the baby doctor, you were also facing Mommy's spine so we could not get a good picture of your face. Are you really that camera shy or do you just want a "BIG REVEAL" like your Auntie D said to me to today?

Also, the doctor said you are measuring a little bit smaller than average. They estimate that you are about 4 lb 13 oz...the average baby at this gestational age is about 5.7 lbs. So because of this, Mommy has to schedule another ultrasound, this time with a specialist, to see if all your organs are growing well. At our next appointment on Feb. 10, we also have to do a non-stress test to make sure that you are not getting stressed inside Mommy's belly.

Hope all goes well, Belle. Everything has been perfect up till now...this is just a little bump on the road...we hope you continue growing well and we'll see you in 4 weeks.

Love, Mom

1 comment:

Peggy said...

Don't worry, Liz. Baby Belle will be doing just great - I was worrying last night about my NST too and it turned out okay. I'm sure yours will be just as fine!