Saturday, April 25, 2009

Bugaboo Warehouse Sale!

Hey Belle,

We went to our first warehouse sale today! If you know Mommy, you know that she LOVES her this is just training for more warehouse sales in the future...

The Bugaboo warehouse sale was in Culver City and Auntie Janet came with us. It was really crowded and we waited in line for an hour. You slept in the sling the whole time! There were strollers and all the accessories all on sale. We got a whole bunch of stuff and they were 30%-70% off!

Love, Mom

Our loot: blankets, sun shade, cup holder, parasol, footmuff and fleece cover set

1 comment:

Peggy said...

Darn it! should have asked you to pick some up for us too! There is no warehouse sale here...