Thursday, December 10, 2009

Isabelle and Friends

Hey Izzy,

We went to 2 playdates in the last 2 days. You are starting to make little friends! You had such fun and Mommy had a good time watching you interact with your little friends. You guys are hilarious! We will make sure to go to more of these playdates next year as you are at the stage where you enjoy playing/watching/interacting with babies your age (and plus you sit nicely in the carseat now).

Love, Mom

From left to right: Payton (12 months) , Nicole (8.5 months), Devin (9.5 months, his birthday is 1 day after Izzy's!) and Isabelle

"Hi, my name is Payton...and you are...?"

From left to right: Nicole, Isabelle and in the background with the cutest devilish smile, Devin

1 comment:

Peggy said...

I know! So much more fun now that they are a lot more interactive!! Can't wait till Kaiden & Izzy meet again in a few weeks!