Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Back in Vancouver


We are back in Vancouver again! You travel so much, the airlines should give you frequent flier miles.

Mommy had a tough time controlling you this trip. Since learning how to walk, you now want to walk everywhere and we can't keep you contained anymore! At the airport, waiting for our flight, you were all over the place. You went up to a few people on their laptops because you like computers, you went to say "hi" to a woman and her baby, Jackson, you walked up to the window to check out the planes...you were one busy girl! Mommy thought you would be wiped out by the time we boarded the plane but noooo...you were still a ball of energy! Luckily Ah Ma was with us on the trip and helped entertain you on the flight. As usual, you didn't sleep on the plane until 30 mins before we landed.

In 2 weeks, we will fly to Toronto to support Daddy in his competition. This time we will be flying alone...just you and I. Mommy is already having anxiety...both for Daddy and our flight!

We are going to have a great time in Vancouver. Mommy has researched a few programs that we want you to participate in and we'll catch up with lots of friends!

Love, Mom

1 comment:

Peggy said...

hey I just emailed you the schedule for Strongstart - go check it out!