Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Our last Thanksgiving...

I am thankful for...
  • sleep deprivation - that means my baby has lungs of steel
  • the mess to clean after - that means my baby is curious and gets into everything
  • being by ourselves on holidays - that means that my husband has a job and supporting us and our lifestyle
  • a thousand and one phone calls - that means that even though we are by ourselves on holidays, we have friends and family who still think of us on these days
I am thankful for my wonderful family who have made my life whole! I love you all!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy 21 month birthday!

Dear Izzy,

21! So what's new this month? This isn't really new since you've been doing it for a while but Mommy thinks that you are a real singer! You love to sing and make up funny songs every day.

You also have a memory like an elephant. You remember events and people very well. You remember 姑 and 奶奶 even after they left. Another few more months and you'll be turning 2! Mommy has to start thinking about your birthday party!

Love, Mom
Getting ready to visit Ah Ma, Ah Kong and Godma in Vancouver!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

School Photo Day

Oh my's school photo day today! Your very first! Mommy dressed you up in your cute denim dress and navy blue cardigan for your special day. You look soooo cute!

Love, Mom

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bittersweet Moments

Izzy, you did not cry when I dropped you off at school gave me a wave goodbye instead! YAY, what a milestone! You have finally gotten over your separation anxiety.

When I came to pick you up from school, I asked you...
Mommy: So Izzy, do you play with any friends at school?
Izzy: Dino, mmuak mmmuakk! *purses lips together and makes kissing sounds*

Oh my goodness...that's the funniest thing EVER! I went home and told Daddy and he was a little concerned. He has been teaching you to say "NO, Dino!" when he approaches you. Awww, Daddy wants to be the only man in your life. Hilarious.

Love, Mom

Friday, November 12, 2010

Busy Mommy

Dear Izzy,

Oh Mommy has been really really busy these days...I've picked up a couple of extra clients and will be kept really busy for now. So not only do I take care of you full time, I have 3 clients I freelance for...some days I wish there were more than 24 hours in a day!

But Mommy promises that I won't neglect you although sometimes you need to play by yourself a little more. Mommy might also increase the number of days you go to preschool. I hope I will be able to pull a super mommy till the end of the year!

Love, Mom

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

20.5 months

Hi Izzy!

Since you are now solidly napping only once a day and getting easier to take out by myself, Mommy decided to take you to the Long Beach aquarium for our first big Mommy and Me outing! You did soooo well and Mommy's so proud of you. We met up with one of Mommy's ex co-workers there who just had her little baby girl, Lauren. You were so nice and gentle with her...awww.

You are also definitely starting to put more and more words together. Although most times, Mommy still finds it difficult to decipher what you say, the other day, you pointed at Zoë who Mommy accidentally locked outside the patio and said "Eh Wee side!". You saved the day and Zoë from being locked outside. What a good little sister you are!


"Mommy, nemos!" she says

So gentle with baby Lauren

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween and Trick or Treatin' Festivities!

Trick or Treat!!!

Izzy, last year, you were just a teeny tiny pea. And this year, you're a busy bumble bee! Ahhh...time flies! You had yourself a blast this Halloween. You were old enough to enjoy yourself and even go trick or treatin'. It was the cutest sight.

You also dressed up for dance class and was the cutest little dancer bee that day.

Can't wait till next Halloween...Mommy has to think up another cute costume for you! Maybe we should do a family one again, that's if your Daddy decides to participate too!

Love, Mom

Our first Halloween together

At a Halloween party...getting ready for some trick or treatin'!

Trick or treat!

Cutest little dancer bee at dance class

Helping Daddy pick out a pumpkin