Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving, Izzy!

We celebrate our first Thanksgiving today. Although Daddy is not home for Thanksgiving, he came back from work for a little while this morning to see and play with you. He misses you so much! After your first nap, we went to the park to play on the swing and slides to tire you out. Then we came home and you went down for your second nap.

Today, Mommy gives thanks for our perfect little family, for the best husband any wife could ever have, for a beautiful, healthy and growing daughter and not forgetting, our little Zoë. Even though she's in Vancouver this Thanksgiving, we miss her and we can't wait to see her in 2.5 weeks.

Happy 1st Thanksgiving, my American baby!

Love, Mom

Izzy & Peter Rabbit (thanks Auntie Janet!)

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