Saturday, November 14, 2009

Beach Clean-Up Duty

Dear Isabelle,

Being the good citizen that you are, we joined Daddy and his colleagues for beach clean-up duty today. We had to pick up the small little pieces of debris because the fishies and the birdies think those things are food and they accidentally eat them and get sick. While we were cleaning up the beach, Daddy took you close to the water to watch the waves. You really enjoy the sound of the ocean, it sounds just like your Sleep Sheep and also maybe it's because Mommy and Daddy took you to Punta Mita Four Seasons resort on our babymoon!

After beach clean-up, we had lunch on the beach and you entertained all of Daddy's colleagues with your cuteness. They couldn't get enough of you! What a beautiful November day it was!

Love, Mom

Picking up debris

Watching the waves

What a beautiful day!

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