Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Goodbye Ah Ma & Ah Kong

Dear Izzy,

Ah Ma and Ah Kong left to go back to Vancouver today. You had so much fun with them and they were so much help to Mommy. Mommy finally got all our boxes cleared and we just have a few other small loose ends to tie up but our apartment finally feels like home now. With Ah Kong's help and Daddy's brilliant idea, we got our TV centered on the wall and our electronics all hooked up. Now you watch Ni Hao, Kai-Lan in stereo! They took Zoë home with them because you and Mommy are going back in December to celebrate Christmas there. Daddy can't come with us so Zoë had to go with Ah Ma and Ah Kong so it will be easier for Mommy and you to travel.

I am sure you can't wait to see them and your little Zoë next month!

Love, Mom

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