Mommy's so happy that you are feeling MUCH MUCH better now...although we still have to continue your antibiotics for another few days. You really hate taking your medicine, so much so that you will keep the liquid in your mouth and refuse to swallow it. And when we least expect it, you spit it right back at us! Mommy really doesn't know how you do it...keep the medicine in your mouth and cry at the same are definitely talented!
Your appetite is also coming back. You are starting to eat your regular portion of food and also since Dr. Scott mentioned that he calls this age the "restaurant age", we can start feeding you food off our own plates. You actually love the food that we eat more than your baby food...I guess the palate is genetic! We had Indian buffet again yesterday and you really enjoyed feeding yourself potatoes and peas!
You are a crawling machine crawl so fast, Mommy's eyes have to constantly be on you because you have gotten yourself into trouble a couple of times already! Your eyes are so sharp pick up the smallest things off the floor. Mommy thought you were a noisy little girl before but now, you are even noisier. Not only do you like to scream, you now love banging your plastic toys together. Perhaps you are a future percussionist?
Mommy thinks you are starting to recognize things now too. Especially Zoë. When we ask you "Where is Zoë?", you look to her. We look forward to teaching you more are like a sponge!
Love, Mom

1 comment:
yay, our Izzy is back!!!
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