Friday, October 16, 2009

Humpty Dumpty Had A Great FALL!

Dear Isabelle,

You have learned to pull yourself up to a kneeling position and have been doing it all morning instead of taking your morning nap! We really need to get Daddy to lower your crib because you already hit your head on the crib rail a couple of times today...poor baby. But you have such a strong and hard head, you cry for a minute and when Mommy kisses it better, you stop. When we put you back into your bed, you start pulling up's either you never learn or you are so determined to learn how to pull up to a standing position!

Love, Mom

1 comment:

Peggy said...

I could not believe that! She is crazy!!!!

Well Kaiden had a humpty dumpty fall today too, but only he fell on the bathroom tiles from the potty - ouch!