Dear Isabelle,
You were running a temperature and sick with your first bout of fever today. It all started at around 2:30 pm on Saturday when Mommy realized you were burning up. We took your temperature and it was 102.5°F. Mommy quickly called your pediatrician but since it was a weekend, we left a message and the doctor-on-call, Dr. Beth, called back to instruct us on what to do. She said to start giving you a dose of Infant Tylenol in hopes of bringing the fever down.
You took a dose of Tylenol and fell asleep at around 2:50 pm. You woke up 40 mins later and the fever had subsided. Mommy was relieved. You were even playful. We fed you your full dinner, took a cool bath and put you to sleep around 5:45 pm. By about 6:15 pm, you woke up crying and Mommy went into the room to check on you. You were shaking like a leaf! You had the chills and Mommy didn't know what to do for you but wrap you up and gave you another dose of Tylenol.
You were shaking for 15 mins and Mommy started to panic so I had to call Daddy to ask him to quickly come home from work. Daddy came home and we put you back to sleep. Again at around 10 pm, you woke up with chills. This time your temperature started to spike. When we took your temperature at around midnight, it was up to 103.2°F. Mommy decided that it was time to go to the ER because your fever did not seem to be letting down and we didn't want to risk any permanent damage.
By the time we got to the ER, your fever was up to 104.1°F. They stripped you down to your diaper and gave you a dose of Motrin. 1 hour later, your temperature went down to 101.8°F and we waited for 2 hours before being admitted to a room. The doctor checked you out and said that everything looked fine. By this time, your temperature went down to 98.6°F much to Mommy's relief. The doctor wanted to do some invasive tests on you but Daddy decided that since you looked OK and also since you've been through so much already, we will avoid the tests and wait to go in to see Dr. Scott on Monday.
When we got home, it was 4:30 am in the morning. What a night. This is the scariest night that Mommy has ever experienced. Mommy and Daddy are exhausted. We hope you get better soon.
Love, Mom
Hello world!
2 years ago
My heart just dropped when I saw the title of this blog... OMG. Glad to hear she is fine now... take care, both of you!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks, Peggy. She's getting better...her fever went up again this afternoon but we stripped her down and gave her another dose of Motrin and Tylenol. This evening her fever is mild so hopefully tomorrow it will be all gone.
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