Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Happy 36 week birthday!

At the library for storytime...but Izzy's not paying attention, she's facing the wrong way!

Happy 36 week birthday, Izzy!

You really have taken a liking to chasing Zoë but Zoë really doesn't appreciate it too much! You are always crawling after her and Zoë is scared of you that she runs away every time she sees you coming towards her.

This past week you are way steadier when you pull up on things i.e your crib, the sofa, the boxes that still have to be unpacked. Your legs and upper body are getting so strong that you can almost climb up the sofa soon! Mommy will not be surprised if you start walking by Christmas!

You have the funniest crawl: one knee and one foot! You use your foot to accelerate your crawling. You figured that you can go faster like that than just crawling on both knees.

We unofficially started potty training you for the last month and you've been pooping in the toilet quite consistently now. Soon we need to get you used to your potty and transition you there. The number of poopy diapers that Mommy has to change has gone down a lot and we like it like that!

Ah Ma says you understand the word "No" now because you try to test her all the time. You try to put all sorts of things in your mouth, but when Ah Ma says "No", you stop but slowly try again in a bit while watching her to see her reaction. You just want to see where the line is drawn!

Your naps are changing as well. You used to sleep 45 mins at a time but now it's only 30 mins! Oh my, already as it was, Mommy had no time to ourselves but now it's even worse! And your awake time has stretched to 3 to 3.5 hours at a time. We have gone to the library for storytime and to the park to sit the swing to entertain you while you are awake. You love being outdoors!

As for the tests you had to take due to your UTI, we went for your ultrasound and everything came back normal so Mommy and Daddy decided to decline the VCUG test as it is quite invasive and you have gone through enough! Cross your fingers you don't get anymore UTIs ever again!

Love, Mom

1 comment:

Peggy said...

Izzy is such a smart baby!!!!! Totally agree with you that next time we see her she will be walking!