Sunday, August 24, 2008

2nd Pre-Natal Appointment

Dear Peanut,

We are back at the doctor's today. You are 12w 2d old (August 22, 2008). We are here for our regular pre-natal check up and also to hear your little heartbeat.

Mommy weighs 109 lbs weight gain. Her appetite hasn't really come back yet, maybe that's why.

So the doctor comes in and uses the doppler to try to listen to your heartbeat. Both mommy and daddy wanted to record it on our phones so we can send it to your grandparents to hear. But you are again so active, the doctor can barely catch 5 seconds of your heartbeat. Every time she finds it, she loses it again. She says she can hear you swirling and somersaulting around. Peanut, Mommy's belly is not your playground OK? Well, I guess you better enjoy it while you can because before long, you are going to get so big, you won't be able to swim around that freely anymore.

So we left without getting our recording. Oh well, maybe next time! We get to visit you again in about a month.

Don't stop growing!

Love, Mom

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