Sunday, August 24, 2008

Fire Drill day at work

Dear Peanut,

At the beginning of the week (August 3, 2009), Mommy got an email alerting her of a fire drill that all employees of the building had to participate in. This is bad news because she is still not feeling well! We were expected to go down 8 flights of spirally stairs and Mom knew she would not be able to make it down the stairs without either passing out or throwing up!

So on the day of the drill (August 6), she went to her fire warden to let her know the situation and instead of having to go down those stairs, we waited in the stairwell until everyone had gone down and we could go back to our desks.

We almost had to let the peanut out of the shell because a couple of people were asking us why we were not downstairs when they did the roll call!

But the secret is still safe!

Love, Mom

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