Sunday, August 24, 2008

Subway and McDonald's run

Dear Peanut,

Are you already becoming junk food junkie??? Mommy is asking because she cannot remember the last time she had a meatball sub and a hot fudge sundae.

One evening, after picking Dad up from work, mommy suddenly had an instant craving for a meatball sub topped with spicy pickled jalepnenos and a hot fudge sundae for dessert. Dad just looked at mom all perplexed when she told him of her craving. I think in our 12 years of being together, Dad has only seen Mom have a subway sandwich maybe twice. But nonetheless, Dad figures that a pregnant woman's cravings MUST be satisfied so we drove to the nearest Subway to get the sandwich and then to McDonalds for the sundae.

We got to Subway and found out that they were out of meatballs!! URGH!!!! We NEEDED the meatball sub! Dad told us to chill out, we went to get the sundae first as it was right beside Subway and then we drove to another Subway to get the sub. Luckily the next subway had meatballs!

When we got home, we pigged out on the sandwich and inhaled the sundae...yummmm... After that day, we haven't had a craving for a subway sandwich ever since.

You are definitely turning mommy's tummy upside down!

Love, Mom

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