Today (July 22, 2008) is our first pre-natal appointment, also the day for your first picture! and dad are soooo excited to finally see you growing in mommy's belly. You are 7w 6d old today. We got to hear your heartbeat, which was a very strong and fast one at 134 beats/minute. You are one strong peanut!
After seeing you and getting a picture of you. Mommy had to endure needles again...URGH! This time, the nurse had to take about 4 vials of blood. Mommy almost passed out but I guess she better get used to getting pricked and prodded. Sometimes she feels like a science experiment!
Mommy weighs 109 lbs today, she lost 2 lbs from not eating those couple of days.
Anyway, the appointment went really well and your estimated due date is on March 4, 2009. That's 2 days after Daddy's birthday! Yay, Mommy won't have to buy Dad a birthday present next year. The next time we get to see you would be in about a month!
Keep on growing, our little peanut!
P/S: I guess by this time you are wondering why we keep on calling you "Peanut". Since we don't know whether you are a little boy or a little girl (although Daddy thinks you are a little boy because he says mommy is growing a moustache–so mean!), and on the ultrasound, you look like a little peanut, the name just stuck. Hope you don't mind!
Love, Mom
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