Monday, August 24, 2009

6 month Baby Wellness Exam and Vaccinations

Hi baby,

We went in to see Dr. Scott for your 6 month baby wellness exam and vaccinations today. You weigh 13 lbs 14 ozs (15%), your height is 26 inches (60%) and your head circumference is 41.75 cm (32%). Your growth is slowing and will stabilize as you get older.

You got your 3rd and final set of shots! more till you turn 1. Again, it was 3 owies but this time, no oral vaccine. You were brave, only screamed when they poked you and stopped once Daddy carried you. Mommy still cannot bear to watch you getting poked...I get all choked up!

Hopefully, just like all your other vaccinations, you don't get any reactions or fever. You are asleep now and it's been almost 1 hr 15 mins. Sleep it off, baby, sleep it off.

Love, Mom

Checking yourself out in the mirror at the doctor's office...


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