Dear Izzy,
You are 26 weeks old today. So what have you been up to lately?
You like to splash, splash, splash in the bathtub. Mommy always gets wet nowadays when we give you a bath. You are too long for your infant tub and you like to kick your legs like you are swimming! Sometimes we put you in the pail because you always want to sit up now. Also, you really like to suck on the wash cloth...what's up with that?? Is bath water really that tasty?
You cannot keep your hands to yourself, within seconds, if Mommy doesn't have her eye on you, you grab things and they always end up in your mouth. You have started raking things towards you and the using your pincer grasp to pick them up. You are able to pick up smaller and smaller things now which is scary because they can be choking hazards!
As for your food menu, looks like you are more of a fruity girl than a veggie girl. You definitely have a sweet tooth! Just like Mommy when we were carrying you in my belly. So far you have had oatmeal cereal, rice cereal, bananas, peach, sweet potato, potato and carrot.
For the past week, you have been such a great sleeper! Bedtime is around 6:30 pm and you barely have any night awakenings now. Only one and usually it's around 2:30 am-3 am. This is when Mommy feeds you, in addition to the dreamfeed, which we do at around 10 pm. Then you sleep through till about 6:30 am or 7 am. Naps have been good too...sometimes you sleep up to 1 hr 15 mins! Yesterday you had one LONG 2 hour nap but I think it's because you were super conked out from the shots.
Till next week!
Love, Mom
Hello world!
2 years ago
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