Sunday, August 16, 2009

Milestone: Hello Solids!

Dear Isabelle,

Today you had your first encounter with solid food! Daddy made you some yummy sweet potato puree for your first taste of solids.

We started off the day with going to the farmers market to pick out some fresh organic sweet potatoes. Daddy wants you to know where all your food comes from. At first, we thought we would start you off with peas but since it is not in season, we decided to go with sweet potatoes instead.

Daddy picking out the sweet potatoes for you...

You holding on to your own sweet potato!

While we were at the farmers market, you also had a taste of peach and nectarine. You really LOVE your fruits, I guess it's because it is sweet like milk! You were sucking onto them and even wanted more when Mommy took it away from you. You are starting to enjoy your trips to the farmers market!

Tasting a nectarine...

...and a peach!

Before your meal, Mommy nursed you (because milk is still going to be your main source of nutrition) and then we sat down at the dining table (Ah Ma was watching on Skype) and fed you. I think for your first try, you did very well! At the first couple of bites, you didn't know how to keep the food in your mouth but after the 3rd spoon, you started to get the hang of it. Mommy gave you your own spoon to feed are such a smart cookie, you knew to put it straight to your mouth! You even wanted more after we gave you your own spoon.

Messy eater!

It was a great day and Daddy cannot wait for you to taste his cooking...but for now, he's not looking forward to the next poopy diaper change!

Love, Mom

1 comment:

Peggy said...

You definitely look excited for your food!!! No surprise at all!

Kaiden loves yam/sweet potato too!